In this lesson, learn the importance of clear, written & verbal communication in team collaboration. Avoid misunderstandings, respect, punctuality & thoughtful listening. Communicate in a way that works for each team member & written communication for remote work.

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Welcome to Module 2 of the "Team Collaboration" course.

In this module, you will learn the importance of Clear, Written, and Verbal Communication.

Whether working in the same room or on different continents, it's essential to communicate respectfully, reply punctually, and listen thoughtfully.

Misunderstandings and vague instructions can easily knock a project off route.

Remember that the noisiest or most chatty people in the room aren't ever the best communicators.

A good practice is to communicate with people how they prefer to communicate. For example, Shy people may choose written communication over verbal communication.

If somebody isn't an outstanding communicator, and you're trying to make sense of their idea or point of view, that can be done privately or in a meeting room but should ever be approached tactfully. Don't overlook someone's thoughts because they have a problem communicating them.

In an increasingly remote working world, written communication is crucial. Providing written updates is always essential, especially when checking in with teammates asynchronously.

Someone with adequate written communication skills can summarize briefly and clearly; they're also practical at questioning their teammates via messages or emails and providing enough detail to get the answers they need to complete a task.

A person who communicates well verbally can offer their colleagues clear, brief updates in team meetings and show empathy when talking about problems or difficult work situations.

In the following modules, you will learn about Active Listening,  Open-Mindedness, and Organization.