Set your priorities

In this lesson, you'll learn how to manage your time and prioritise your tasks to be productive. Discover the benefits of aligning tasks with company goals, setting clear objectives, and communicating effectively.

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The difference between Time and Priorities Management is about planning work tasks, meetings, events, and their time frame, versus organizing your agenda according to your pending tasks and deciding on the level of importance.

Choosing which tasks are high-priority will help you get those done effectively in the time you have. Organizing all your activities and prioritizing decisions while being flexible to make modifications anytime to adapt to unforeseen circumstances can help you use your time effectively and be productive.

Managing your priorities is focusing your time and resources to organize your work and tasks that affect high-value projects and long-term goals. If you are in a management position, you probably have noticed that sometimes your team members prioritize their work based on what they think their priorities are. It is essential to set priorities first to manage time effectively.

It is easy to get lost in prioritizing; For some people, the most important tasks are the ones that are due on an early date, which becomes more critical. For others, tasks are more meaningful if they are strongly connected to their interests; And there are the ones that prioritize depending on who is asking for a specific task; maybe a member from the C-suite requested something that instantly becomes a priority.

To effectively manage your priorities, one's tasks and the organization's business objectives should be aligned. The alignment should be vertical and horizontal; you must align your boss's and your team's objectives with your company's to identify priorities in your current position.

Once there is clarity on priorities, it is easier to organize an agenda and plan your week. Communication is the key to achieving success in prioritization. Set clear objectives for yourself and your team that aligns with your organization's goals.

Finally, consider a task value first. If a task is connected to a project or client representing a high value to your organization, then you know how to organize your priorities.