14 Best Product Launch Video Examples

Written by
Kevin Alster
Published on
July 3, 2024
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"I have to have it!" is the reaction all marketers want from their audiences. And a good product launch is one of the best ways to create this energizing hype.

Remember when Steve Jobs first revealed the iPod? Or when Tesla's Chief Designer threw a metal ball at the Cybertruck's armored glass windows? These moments create a lasting emotional connection, sticking in your customer's minds long after they're over. If done right, they can even continue to generate free PR for you. 

In this post, we'll break down some of the best product launch videos and inspire you to create a compelling story that leaves viewers wanting more. Get ready to discover awesome examples and a tool that makes creating these videos a cinch!

What are product launch videos?

Product launch videos are strategic marketing tools that introduce a new product to the market. They generate buzz, create anticipation and excitement, and provide detailed information about its features, benefits, and usage. Ultimately, this type of product video aims to inspire action and encourage viewers to purchase, pre-order, or learn more about the product.

Types of product launch videos:

  • Launch teaser videos: Short, attention-grabbing clips released before the official launch to generate excitement and build anticipation.
  • Explainer videos: Detailed videos that explain how the product works and its key benefits. Used during the launch to market the product on any platform.
  • Demo videos: Show the product in action, often including step-by-step demonstrations. Often presented in live webinars for launches of brand new technology. 
  • Recorded live event videos: Recording of live events where a presenter guides you throughout the new product and hypes all its features. These video walks are usually uploaded to YouTube and linked to in PR materials.
  • Brand launch videos or rebrand videos: Introduce the brand identity, effectively communicate brand values, and generate interest and awareness. These videos serve as a powerful marketing tool, commonly used to announce a rebranding on multiple platforms.

What makes a great product launch video?

The best product launch videos captivate, inspire, and make you think, "I need this in my life." Below, you'll discover what makes a launch video compelling and how to create one that leaves the target audience eager to get their hands on your product. All these while building a strong emotional connection.

  1. Engaging introduction: Grab viewers' attention immediately with a captivating visual, thought-provoking question, or intriguing statement. Hook the audience fast so they want to keep watching.
  2. Problem-solution narrative: Highlight a common problem the target market faces. Then, position the new product as the perfect solution to that problem. You'll create an emotional connection by making the product feel essential and immediately relevant to the viewer.
  3. Product features and benefits: Showcase the product's benefits in relation to its features and explain how they will solve the user's problems. You'll help the target audience understand why they need the product.
  4. Visuals and demonstrations: Showing the product in action helps viewers see how it works and visualize themselves using it. High-quality imagery, whether it's animations, graphics, or live demos, makes it more tangible and desirable.
  5. Testimonials and social proof: Social proof can be a powerful motivator. That's why a launch video that shows early users, influencers, or industry experts endorsing the product builds trust among potential customers and validates their interest. 
  6. Call to Action (CTA): Encourage viewers to take action, whether it's visiting a website, signing up for more information, or making a purchase. The call to action should be strong and straightforward, guiding the viewer on the next steps.

Example 1: Synthesia's "Expressive AI avatars" event promo

These Expressive AI Avatars are a Huge Step Up

Synthesia is a generative AI tool that turns words into videos with presenters. But these aren't your average presenters — they're AI avatars, super-realistic, digital doubles of real people.

This captivating product launch video introduces the "expressive AI avatars" update, one of its most innovative features. The person you see talking on screen is actually an AI avatar. It announces the event and shows other avatars expressing a wide range of emotions. 

The presenter talks about the fun of helping people make awesome videos and how Synthesia is working on making them even more authentic and less robotic to meet users' expectations.

All these add up to a relatable and engaging video, creating anticipation for the actual feature launch that took place a week after that:

Expressive AI Avatars Launch Event | Synthesia

Example 2: ConvertKit's rebranding into Kit

As an announcement video about ConvertKit's rebranding into Kit, this is an excellent example of how to launch a product the right way. It effectively showcases the new brand identity and aligns with the brand's values of simplicity and user-centric design.

It highlights the fresh, simplified design and improved user experience, key elements of the rebrand. And it makes the change feel personal and well thought out through a series of complementary videos, like this one:

The biggest announcement in ConvertKit history

This rebranding launch video is a great example because it presents the new look and feel and explains the reasons behind the change. It engages the target audience, keeps the message simple, and builds excitement about the product's future.

With this approach, ConvertKit is letting us know the rebrand is more about delivering better value to users than it is about just changing the logo.

Example 3: Square's product launch, "Square Online Store"

Product Launch Video | Square Online | Vidico

This powerful product launch video introducing a new online shop builder by Square is a great promo and a helpful guide on why the solution is excellent for small businesses.

The narrative clarifies the value proposition: You can build a beautiful online shop with Square even if you're not a tech whiz. It also demonstrates how easy it is to manage orders or let potential customers order online and pick up in-store, emphasizing convenience.

The product video shows all sorts of businesses using the Square store builder, from coffee shops to local flower shops. So, the core message is clear: This thing can work for anyone.

This product launch video example is packed with information about the product's features and backed by fun-to-watch visual elements. It makes you want to jump right in and follow the call to action, "Start selling today with a free online store."

Example 4: Etsy's integration with QuickBooks

This explainer video uses a mix of digital vector graphics and handmade elements in a visually exciting style that reflects the Etsy brand. While it doesn't introduce an actual product but an integration, it contains all the ingredients that make a successful product launch video.

The video content highlights how the seamless integration improves the Etsy store interface, making it more efficient for users.

It starts with a relatable question — "What would you do with more time?" — immediately grabbing attention by tapping into a common pain point for Etsy sellers.

Then, it seamlessly transitions into showcasing the solution: the time-saving benefits of the QuickBooks Online partnership.

Instead of dry technical details, it focuses on the benefits for viewers. The use of both digital and handmade elements adds a touch of warmth and personality, making it more engaging and memorable. 

This animated video — without being overly promotional — communicates the value proposition of the Etsy and QuickBooks integration.

Example 5: Spend Smartly's feature, "Auto Savings"

Expressive AI Avatars | Marketing Use Case

Spend Smartly's "Auto Savings" introduction is a short explainer that effectively communicates the new feature's benefits. It ditches the long, technical explanations and packs a punch in a brief, energetic format.

The upbeat music and enthusiastic narration immediately engage viewers and complement the explanation of how Auto Savings works. Meanwhile, visuals combine text and supportive images, showing how everyday purchases can quickly add to significant savings. 

The product video's concise and lively presentation makes you want to jump on board with Spend Smartly's Auto Savings. It subtly shifts your perspective, showing how turning your routine spending into future savings can be a breeze, not a chore.

Example 6: Buffer's social media management tool

Buffer - The Social Media Management Tool for Small Businesses

This explainer video from Buffer is a short and sweet product launch video example.

With a clear and structured narrative, it talks about the complex challenges of social media management and quickly makes viewers see Buffer as the right solution.

The entire video engages by directly calling out pain points and highlighting how the key features of the upcoming product can help resolve them.

On-point and compelling, Buffer finishes off with an enticing promise to simplify social media management and give users time to build their brand.

Example 7: Just Eat's brand announcement video

Just Eat | Did Somebody Say | The hottest collab of 2023: Just Eat, Christina Aguilera and Latto 🔥

Just Eat's brand refresh clip is an amazing product launch video. Bringing two celebrities onto the scene, it might as well work as a standalone audio production, but the high quality visuals make it look like a party for your eyes and ears!

It bursts onto the scene with bright colors, catchy music by Christina Aguilera and Latto, and a mix of animation and real-life action. The vibe is fun and energetic, showing how easy it is to order food with Just Eat. It's not just about convenience, though. We see people from all walks of life enjoying different cuisines, proving that Just Eat is for everyone, no matter your background or taste.

What makes this video a grand launch is how it keeps you hooked. The bright visuals, fun animation, and brand elements are all entertaining, but it still clearly explains why Just Eat is awesome.

By being informative, engaging, and inclusive, the video is a perfect way for the brand to reintroduce itself to the world and grab the attention of a whole new crowd of hungry customers!

Example 8: Global Trust’s B2B customer loyalty program

Introducing Customer Loyalty Program (AI Video)

This example video introduces Global Trust Bank's B2B Loyalty Program, which rewards businesses of all sizes. It's unique in this list because it's made using an AI Avatar. That means you can duplicate the example, use it as a template, and customize it in just a few minutes. To access this example and 60+ more, simply create a free account with Synthesia.

Right from the start, it discusses the importance of strong partnerships, showing that the bank is well aware that your business success is their success, too.

The promise is clear — whenever you do corporate banking, international transfers, or use their credit facilities, you rack up points. But these aren't just any points — they give you access to exclusive industry events, top-notch consulting services, or even the latest tech upgrades.

The highly professional video has clear explanations and a confident narrator who makes you feel they're genuinely invested in your success. By the end, you'll think Global Trust Bank is more of a partner than just a bank, which makes this launch video all the more compelling.

Example 9: Tesla's Cybertruck launch event video

Watch Elon Musk announce the Tesla Cybertruck in 14 minutes

Without a doubt, this is a prime example of an epic product launch video in marketing history. The sleek product design, futuristic music, and Elon Musk showing it off were enough to spark significant attention and debate.

Highlights included a live demonstration of its durability. While a sledgehammer test impressed the audience, an attempt to showcase the armored glass backfired when the windows unexpectedly shattered. This mishap went viral, boosting the event's publicity. 

At the same time, Tesla's multifaceted product launch on a global scale, along with other popular videos like the one below, showcases how successful companies use live demos to captivate their audience and generate significant buzz.

Tip 💡

Even with unexpected mishaps, live demos can work wonders, especially if they have a charismatic presenter. Check out these expressive AI avatars for your next video.

Example 10: Burger King's official rebrand launch 

The official rebrand introduction video for Burger King

Burger King flipped the script with this rebrand launch video. Jones Knowles Ritchie, a fancy design team, gave it a fresh coat of paint, from the logo to the whole packaging, making you feel that it's still Burger King but with a modern twist.

The video captures attention with cool visuals, and the smooth transitions keep the viewer's attention as it shows off the new look. While it might seem that it's all just changing colors, it's about making Burger King feel fresh, exciting, and more desirable again.

Example 11: Brandon Sanderson's reveal of four secret novels

Famous fantasy author Brandon Sanderson's reveal of four novels on Kickstarter is a masterclass in product launch strategy. With this campaign, Sanderson got 44,430 backers and raised a staggering $41.7 million against his initial $1 million goal. 

The video captivates with a personal narrative, inviting viewers into his secret creative process. The author teases by unveiling each manuscript one by one and announcing tiered rewards, including collectible premium hardcovers and themed swag boxes.

All these add an element of exclusivity and excitement, appealing to both new readers and dedicated fans. Sanderson doesn't just drive immediate interest and sales but also makes his backers feel part of a community, engaging them even more.

Example 12: Lemonade's insurance app launch

Introducing The Lemonade App [See It In Action]

Lemonade's insurance app launch is a fun and modern product introduction. The lively video grabs your attention, showing how easy and fast the app is to use. It explains features like quick sign-up and AI-driven claims, making insurance simple and stress-free.

Clear visuals and simple words support the narrative, showing how Lemonade is different from old insurance companies. It focuses on being transparent, fast, and easy to use, which appeals to tech-savvy people who want things done quickly.

The product video builds trust and excitement by showing real-life examples and benefits. It's a perfect mix of useful information on the product's features and engaging storytelling, making it a standout in product launches in the tech and insurance world.

Example 13: Salesforce's Einstein copilot launch

Einstein Copilot: Conversational AI for Your CRM | Salesforce Product Launch

This launch balances clear information with real-world use examples, making it a great model for introducing a new product.

Clara Shai, CEO of Salesforce AI, shows how this new AI tool can make work easier and faster, summarizing sales, replying to customers, and creating product descriptions.

The video points out that you can talk to Einstein Copilot like a coworker and highlights the trust and control you have over your data, thanks to the secure Einstein 1 platform. Plus, Salesforce introduces Prompt Builder, a tool for creating custom AI prompts.

Examples from companies like Turtle Bay Resort and Baka Systems show how Einstein Copilot boosts efficiency and service. Through it all, the video stirs excitement for the new features and reassurance that the innovation is secure, nudging viewers to try it.

Example 14: Synthesia's new "Dialogue" feature

2+ AI Avatars in 1 Scene? Dialogue is Here!

Last but not least, here's another perfect example from Synthesia introducing the "Dialogue" feature. This new feature promises video creators the ability to model conversations between diverse AI avatars instantly.

The video maintains a welcoming and easy-to-understand tone throughout. Hosted by Kade, an AI avatar, it avoids technical jargon and presents the information in a way that's approachable to a general audience. This is key for a product launch video, as it ensures a wider range of viewers can grasp the core value proposition.

The video broadens its appeal by highlighting how easy it is to add and manage multiple AI avatars within a scene. It assures viewers they don't need extensive technical expertise to create professional-looking videos with AI-powered dialogue. This focus on user-friendliness makes the product more accessible and attractive to a wider range of potential users.

It's easy to create product launch videos with AI

Video is the best way to promote a new service, product, feature, brand partnership, or even brand image. 

And creating high-quality product launch videos doesn't even have to be complicated. With the AI video maker Synthesia, it's as easy as making a slide deck.

Synthesia uses generative AI to turn plain text into high-quality videos that effectively showcase your product's new features. 

The best part? You don't need any special equipment or technical skills to use it. Learn more and generate your first free AI video in just a few clicks.


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