#1 AI video creation platform

Add image to video

Easily add photo to video in just a few clicks with Synthesia. Upload your own image, or choose from millions of stock images.

No credit card required


Rated 4.8/5 on G2

Trusted by over 50,000 companies of all sizes

Upload image file in seconds

To add image to video in Synthesia, simply upload your photos to the video editor.

Choose from millions of stock pictures

Don't have your own photos to upload? Add a picture from our large selection of stock media instead!

Edit the images inside the video editor

Adjust the size, position, and opacity of your picture inside Synthesia. Crop, blur, add shadows and animation effects to personalize your images effortlessly.

How to add pictures to a video


Choose or create new a video project

Inside the online video editor, choose an existing video or create a new one using the built-in AI script generator.


Add picture to a video

Go to 'Media', and upload as many images as needed, or choose from a large selection of stock images.


Edit video clip as desired

Edit your video file further if needed. Add text, a background, a watermark, video content, AI avatars, voiceovers, and more.


Download and share video

Once you're done, your video will be generated in just a few minutes. Download your finished project in an MP4 video format and share it with the world.

script generator example

Add images to video using Synthesia

Add media as picture-in-picture

Add videos and pictures anywhere in the video frame. Have full control over the size and placement of your clips and pictures.

Add animations and transitions

Add your photo anywhere on the video timeline, and easily adjust its animation, duration, and the transitions between images.

Time your animation to the voiceover perfectly

No need to use a video timeline to animate your image. Simply place animation markers in your voiceover script.

Multiple formats supported

You can easily upload photos in the following supported file formats: JPEG, PNG, SVG.

4 tips for adding photos to videos online

Adding pictures to videos is simple enough, but these 4 tips will make your video look more professional and engaging.

1. Ensure your images are high-quality

Adding images of poor quality will instantly worsen the viewing experience. Use file formats that don't deteriorate the quality when compressed.

2. Don't add too many pictures

Adding as many pictures as possible into one video will make it too monotonous. Break up the visuals by adding AI avatars, on-screen text, and stock videos.

3. Add motion and transitions

Use smooth transitions between pictures and video clips, and add subtle zooms and pans to prevent static images from looking boring.

4. Choose relevant images

Ensure the photos you add are relevant to the content of your video. Irrelevant images can confuse the viewer and disrupt the flow of your video.


Frequently asked questions

How do I insert a picture into a video?

Here's how to add images to a video:

  1. Choose a video editing software, such as Synthesia, and start by selecting an existing video project or creating a new one.
  2. Add your own images or select from a vast collection of stock photos provided by the software.
  3. Make any necessary final edits to your video.
  4. Wait for the video to be processed, which will be ready in minutes.
  5. Download the finished MP4 file.
  6. Share your video on your YouTube channel or social media platforms.

How do you add a picture to the beginning of a video online?

You can use a free video editor like Windows Movie Maker to add photos to the beginning of your videos.

Or, you can opt for an online video maker like Synthesia to make the process even easier. The videos you create in Synthesia are divided into scenes, making it incredibly easy to add images to specific scenes. For even more control and precision, you can play around with entry and exit animations, and tie them to the video script using animation markers.

8 reasons why adding images to videos is a good idea

1. Visual diversity

Breaking up video sequences with images captivates viewers, ensuring consistent engagement and offering a refreshing change of pace.

2. Illustrative purpose

Images enhance understanding by clarifying or emphasizing key points. A well-chosen picture, for instance, can demystify intricate subjects, serving as a visual aid.

3. Enhanced storytelling

Using images in a video narrative lends depth and context. They can illuminate certain elements or plot points, enriching the overall storyline.

4. Branding

Images, especially those related to a brand, amplify promotional content. They underscore brand themes and solidify the intended message.

5. Emotional impact

Images can powerfully resonate with viewers, stirring emotions and intensifying the video's overall sentiment.

6. Replacement for missing footage

In situations with insufficient video material, images become invaluable, seamlessly bridging content gaps.

7. Cost and time efficiency

Opting for images over shooting additional video can be both a budget-friendly and time-saving choice, particularly when capturing certain scenes proves challenging.

8. Historical or archival integration

In content like documentaries, historical images imbue authenticity, grounding the narrative in real-world context.