Marketing's Move To Floor 6

Learn about the exciting move of a Marketing team that is transitioning to a new, spacious floor to foster growth and innovation.

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Hey team, it's Rachel. We’ve grown so much lately, and floor 4 was starting to feel a bit tight, wasn't it?

Good news! We’re moving up – literally. Say hello to our new space on the sixth floor.

I've had a sneak peek, and it's a great spot. More room for all of us and our big ideas.

Alright, here's the scoop on seating. Sarah and her Paid Marketing team, you’ll be over on the left – right by the windows.

The Content Marketing crew, led by Tom, you're next to them, closer to the breakout area. Handy for those coffee-fueled brainstorming sessions.

And for the Brand team, under Nina’s guidance, you're in the center. Keeping an eye on all of us, right?

We’re all in this together. Let’s kick off our next phase right here on floor 6.

See you all upstairs!


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