Content Beta does product videos with AI

Rishabh Bhandari

Content Beta is a US-based customer education company that helps SaaS companies across the world create product demo videos and customer training content to onboard, engage & retain customers.

Small Business: <100

Key Results:


video production cost saved

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We spoke with Rishabh Bhandari, founder and CEO of Content Beta, about how they use Synthesia to create compelling training videos.

The challenge

Content Beta produces a big volume of product onboarding videos for various SaaS companies.

They have previously done these kind of videos with a combination of screen recordings and voiceovers.

This is an industry standard approach but it has 4 problems:

  • Bad talking head quality: producing a quality recording of a “talking head” video for customers is really hard and time consuming.
  • Lack of speed: Creating voice-overs meant to work with third-party vendors which stretched production processes significantly.
  • Low flexibility: Re-editing video and script requires a retake of the voiceover. This prevents quick iteration and testing.
  • Difficult to localise: Localisation of traditional video content is time-consuming, costly and difficult to scale.

In order to ensure their customers a quality experience, Rishabh and the team went looking for an alternative that allowed top-notch video content at scale.

The solution

With Synthesia, Content Beta can now dramatically speed up workflows and easily iterate the creative process.

Here's how the team creates videos today:

  1. They choose between 140+ high-definition AI Avatars as a talking head.
  2. They capture relevant content with Synthesia’s in-built screen recording feature.
  3. Once the script, slides and avatar are set, the video can be generated and is ready to go.

Below you can see an example of a Content Beta product video created with Synthesia (in less than an hour!):

Here are the main values of Synthesia that Rishabh advocates:

  • Flexibility: Once created, a video can be easily updated at any time without having to start from scratch.
  • Avatar quality: The AI avatars are rendered in the highest resolution and the voice quality is top notch. No more background noise, repetition or strange accents.
  • Speed: Creating a video with Synthesia is much faster than recording a video traditionally.
  • Ease of use: The platform is easy to use and includes all the necessary video editing features to create high-quality training videos without the need for additional tools.

The results

Since using Synthesia, Content Beta's training video pipeline has been running smoother than ever:

💰  Costs: The team is able to save 15% of project cost since they don’t have to hire external voice producers.

⏱️  Time: By skipping the voice-over production step, they can create videos much faster.

I would recommend Synthesia to all L&D teams, SaaS companies and e-Learning developers. – Rishabh Bhandari, founder and CEO of Content Beta