How Avetta is using AI video to boost the productivity of 150 support agents

Tyler Urrea
Training and Performance Manager

Avetta, a global leader in supply chain risk management, connects over 95,000 contractors and suppliers with clients in industries like construction and energy. Their technology platform ensures safety and sustainability, helping companies manage risk and enhance performance.

Mid-Market: 100 - 1k
IT Services

Key Results:


decrease in average call handling time


faster ramp-to-proficiency


increase in agent retention

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We spoke with Tyler Urrea, Training and Performance Manager at Avetta. He shared how he uses Synthesia to increase not only the training content output within his team, but also the productivity of 150 support agents worldwide through engaging video.

The Challenge

Tyler and his team are developing training content for Avetta employees and customers. Their duties include training 150 support agents through onboarding programs and providing just-in-time knowledge during customer interactions.

Given Avetta’s critical role in supply chain compliance and risk management, the support team, vital for upholding customer service and operational efficiency, requires consistent and engaging training to maintain high standards. To preserve these high standards, Tyler and his team faced a two-sided challenge:

  1. Challenges with creation capacity: Avetta's growth put pressure on Tylers’ team. Relying heavily on in-person and text-based training, they found it challenging to keep up with the increasing training needs without the risk of lowering training quality.
  2. Need for more engaging formats at scale: While in-person sessions and static e-learning modules were effective, they could be improved for enhanced engagement and retention. Tyler recognized that video could capture attention more effectively, leading to better support performances.
At times, large amounts of text can be overwhelming and may go unread. Especially, when having a customer on hold. To alleviate this issue, we find video is a compelling and engaging format. - Tyler Urrea, Training and Performance Manager

The Solution

Using Synthesia, Tyler and the team were able to tackle both challenges head-on. They can now transform in-person training topics that are very 'lecture-like' into short on-demand videos. It saves instructors valuable time that can be spent on discussions and hands-on engagements instead and they can create engaging videos quick and at scale. Here's how they do it.

The team can take pre-existing content, such as instructor guides, knowledge base articles, and even meeting transcripts and old PPTs, and upload them to Synthesia’s AI assistant. It then turns the text-based content into a video, which, after a couple of small edits and media uploads is ready to be embedded in Avetta’s onboarding courses.

Here’s what a final video looks like:

Over the last two years, we’ve saved about like 1300 hours. Synthesia helps consistent messaging in a polished video format and it’s definitely providing information faster.  - Tyler Urrea, Training and Performance Manager

The Results

Since using Synthesia to enrich support training with high quality video, Tyler and his team have achieved amazing results and contributed to an impressive boost in support productivity.

Lower average call handling time: Synthesia content used in onboarding and customer calls reduced the support agents' average call handling time by 16 seconds.

Faster ramp-to-proficiency: By incorporating video into the onboarding process, new support agents achieve proficiency 20% faster.

Improved interaction quality: The quality of new hire interactions with customers improved by 19% within just two months of implementing Synthesia videos.

Shorter post-training cycles: With new videos, the team cut post-onboarding training time by 60%, enabling agents to swiftly address knowledge gaps on-demand.

Shorter Training, Same Results: The team managed to reduce an insurance training module from one hour to only 20 minutes, without compromising on its effectiveness.

Increased retention rates: Enhanced training engagement has not only improved performance, but also increased agent retention rates by 8%.

Time savings: Since using Synthesia for 2 years, Tyler and his team have saved 1300 hours, now used for discussions and hands-on engagement during onboarding to improve knowledge retention.

Unlocked localisation: Tyler's team can now easily translate training materials into 3 languages, simplifying and enhancing the learning process for Avetta's global support agents.

A lot of the massive performance improvements can be directly tied back to the more engaging learning experience we can now provide with fast, but high-quality video.  - Tyler Urrea, Training and Performance Manager

Tyler and his team have started to incorporate Synthesia in other projects as well. They are converting knowledge base articles into short videos to enhance their agents’ productivity. Here is the feedback Tyler received from the support teams.

The brief knowledge videos have been a significant success and are well-received by support. They appreciate not having to sift through lengthy articles to recall a process. Instead, they can pause customer interactions briefly, quickly review a short video, and then return to the task at hand with renewed clarity. - Tyler Urrea, Training and Performance Manager