How Evonik creates training videos in multiple languages 80% faster

Marco Samland
COATINO® Campus Manager

Evonik is a leading company in the field of specialty chemicals. It operates in over 100 countries worldwide and employs more than 33,000 people.

Enterprise: 1000+

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We spoke with Marco Samland, COATINO® Campus Manager of one of Evonik’s learning and information platforms that has over 5,500 users. Marco told us how he leverages AI video to create engaging e-learning content and drive digitalization within Evonik.

The Challenge

Marco's mission is to drive digitalized learning for thousands of COATINO® users on a global scale. To achieve this, he constantly seeks to create engaging training content that delivers business value for the learner.

As video-based content is much easier to digest than text-based content, it has become an increasingly popular format for training.

However, producing video content on a global scale comes with some limitations:

  • Time consuming: While Evonik has its own studios, producing a video is time-consuming and requires a lot of planning.
  • Difficult to localize: Localizing video content can be expensive and tedious, particularly when you need to record voiceovers in multiple languages.
  • Untrained cast:  Not all Evonik subject matter experts are at ease in front of the camera and often lack the time.
Not everybody feels comfortable reading from a teleprompter. Some need several takes before the video is ready to use. The results are great, but it is a time-consuming process. - Marco Samland, COATINO® Campus Manager

The Solution

Using Synthesia, Marco can create training and informational videos at scale. He uploads the relevant script (including translations) to Synthesia, edits his custom-made template, populates it with content, and voila! The training video is complete.

Here’s what Marco values most about Synthesia:

  • Auto-generated subtitles: This feature provides the ability to make training videos more accessible to learners, accommodating their specific needs.
  • Custom Template: Corporate design is of utmost importance at Evonik. Synthesia provides custom templates that perfectly align with the brand and enable quick video creation.
  • Diversity of avatars: With a broad range of 140+ avatars, Marco can localize his content to all relevant markets.
Synthesia is very intuitive. It's similar to working in PowerPoint, but the result is a high-quality video with avatars and automated captions.- Marco Samland, COATINO® Campus Manager

The Results

Although Synthesia is a relatively new addition to Marco's toolbox, it has already proven to be impactful.

Localised videos: By using Synthesia, Marco is now creating content in several languages, including German, English and Chinese.

Video at scale: The team can now create several videos a day and has already built a sizeable library of e-learning videos.

Time savings: Marco saves over 80% of the time by using Synthesia instead of a video studio, taking only 5-10 minutes to create a 2-3 minute video.

Synthesia is a great tool for differentiating when it comes to providing training or informational content. It is an innovative and engaging way to connect. - Marco Samland, COATINO® Campus Manager