Case Study - David Beckham / Malaria No More / RGA
Malaria No More is a global NGO working on a mission to eradicate Malaria.
Launched in 2006, with the UK arm following a decade later, the charity is a pioneer in social media campaigning - harnessing the combined voices of ordinary people along with high profile individuals.
The challenge
Malaria is a disease of the developing world, so Malaria No More has to therefore come up with creative ways on how to influence the public discourse among decision makers in the developed world.
But how could they highlight their efforts in a new and cutting edge, attention grabbing way?
Malaria No More decided to aim high. They enlisted one of the most famous men on the planet - David Beckham - to speak up for this cause.
But they didn’t just ask him to appear in a campaign giving his views on the need to eliminate malaria. The campaign had a twist. A twist that would help them reach even more people.
The solution
Malaria No More worked with Synthesia’s cutting edge AI video synthesis technology to allow brave Malaria survivors to speak through David Beckham’s face.
This world-first campaign video made it possible to give the voice of one of the world's most famous athletes to the most vulnerable.
The results
The campaign results were as impactful as the charity had hoped, with:
- +700m global digital impressions.
- +420,000 online search results.
- Reaching the disease’s peak awareness in almost 3 years.
- The campaign was translated into nine different languages.
- The voice petition film reached hundreds of millions of people, and later won a CogX award for Outstanding Achievement in Social Good Use Of AI

We’re pleased to say that the charity has has now raised +$4bn from prominent backers including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to execute on its mission.
The campaign has inspired many global brands and organisations to leverage Synthesia’s innovative AI video technology to communicate more effectively.
The film saw David Beckham speaking 9 languages to call on world leaders to take action to defeat malaria. But this magic wouldn’t have been possible without the talented team at Synthesia, who offered their time and creativity to end the world’s oldest and deadliest disease through their cutting-edge AI technology. - Malaria No More
We’re excited to see where we can take this in the future.