5 Sales Prospecting Tools To Personalize Your Outreach & Boost Conversions

Written by
Ema Lukan
Published on
September 30, 2024
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It’s no secret that outreach (whether it’s cold or warm) is a grind. Cold emailing 1000+ people a week with a “quick question” is enough to make even the most hardened salesperson feel like a white-collar factory worker. 

Most sales professionals turn to automation to stay sane and keep productive. But automation alone isn’t going to keep your pipeline full of good-fit leads. 

Today, one thing that everyone needs is personalization. When you get personalization right, you’ll be able to consistently hit your quotas, predict sales, and make sure you make the most out of your prospects. 

Your full sales prospecting toolkit 

Prospecting involves finding, qualifying, contacting, and following up with leads. No single tool covers this entire process, which is why the best approach is to have a range of sales prospecting tools.

The five b2b prospecting tools we’ll cover in this blog post are essential additions to your toolkit, and they fit into these key categories:

  • AI productivity: Tools like ZoomInfo, and Gong use AI to help you identify prospects, tailor your messaging, and analyze data to sharpen your sales strategy.
  • AI personalization: Most sales tools you use will include some AI integration or proprietary tool, and you can also use platforms like Synthesia to generate personalized prospecting assets at scale.  
  • Prospect Databases: With platforms like Apollo and Crunchbase, you get access to millions of verified contacts to target leads based on industry, job title, and more.
  • Lead Enrichment: Services like Voila Norbert and Datanyze give you extra insights, from company details to social profiles, so you can reach out with more context.
  • CRM Integration: Most tools, such as HubSpot Sales Hub and Salesflare, offer smooth integration with CRMs, keeping your data up-to-date in real time.
  • Email Automation: Tools like Hunter.io and SalesHandy streamline your cold email outreach while tracking open and response rates so you can stay on top of your follow-ups.

The #1 B2B prospecting tool of 2024-2025: Synthesia

Prospects are tired of generic, automated outreach. Scraping someone’s LinkedIn posts with AI to start your message with “I thought your opinion on ____ was interesting, so I’m reaching out” is standard stuff. It’s not a cutting-edge tactic that will give you an edge. Instead, your prospects are so familiar with AI-based language, that it can have the opposite effect. 

The good thing is that when you’re responding to warm inbound leads or sending out cold outreach, your goal remains the same as it did 20 years ago: 

  1. Show you’re trustworthy 
  2. Give proof you can do what you say 
  3. Get people to respond

AI personalization can still help you achieve those three targets — but with video instead of text. 

Synthesia has just released “Personal Avatars.” That means with your phone or webcam, you can quickly record a few lines and digitally clone yourself. Now, when you send over a presentation, demo, or even a quick video walkthrough, you can make it highly personalized for the person watching. 

This AI-powered video maker even ‎clones your voice, so it can generate videos that show you speaking in 29+ languages. Plus, you can easily create new versions of the script with details like your lead’s name or other specifics, making it feel tailored and engaging.

Here’s a quick video so you can see how it works: 

Using AI in your video prospecting is something that can subtly make a standard video a super personalized experience for your prospects. 

The benefits of using Synthesia as sales prospecting software:

  • Sticks to scripts perfectly and favors consistency
  • Easy to personalize 
  • Eliminates the need for filming or editing, so anyone on your team can create videos
  • Integrates perfectly with your sales engagement software

Tool #2: SalesHandy for more granular, advanced email automation 

It’s often difficult to know if people engage with your sales outreach, especially in the inbox. SalesHandy is a straightforward email tool that makes tracking things like opens, clicks, and deliverability super easy. 

Along with behavior tracking, you can also send out personalized emails based on your contact’s activity or inactivity. This kind of trigger-based automation has proven to improve engagement and deliver a higher ROI on cold outreach. 

For example, let’s say you send out a webinar invite to cold prospects with the pitch “How to save time on analysis”. With SalesHandy’s tracking, you can see who clicked on that webinar link. Now, you can send out a follow-up to those who clicked, perhaps including a personalized video that calls them out by name. For those who didn’t click, you might send another webinar invite focusing on something more concrete, such as “Case study: 402% ROI with data automation”. 

How SalesHandy helps you boost conversions:

  • Automates personalized email campaigns at scale
  • Tracks open rates, clicks, and replies
  • Simplifies lead management with an all-in-one dashboard

Tool #3: Datanyze for in-depth, company-level lead enrichment 

In the B2B space, it’s not enough to target by the general demographics like age and location. You need to target by technographic data (what software companies are using). And that’s exactly what Datanyze specializes in. 

By knowing your prospect’s existing tech stack, you can create outreach and videos that are far more personalized to their current way of doing things. While this information is readily available in the Datanyze database, you can also grab it while browsing using their nifty Chrome extension. 

Personalizing your outreach with Datanyze is fairly straightforward. For example, if you know your prospect uses Excel for their analysis, and you’re selling an automation tool that helps speed that analysis, your email subject line could read “How to automate data analysis in Excel.

How Datanyze helps you personalize sales prospecting:

  • Up-to-date info on your lead’s tech stack
  • Streamlines prospecting with its easy-to-use Chrome plugin
  • Seamlessly integrates with Salesforce for efficient lead tracking

Tool #4: Apollo for high-volume lead gen & sales engagement

At first glance, Apollo’s inbox can feel a bit complex, but as you get to know more about workflows, you’ll find it increasingly intuitive. It’s got everything you need to identify, qualify, and target prospects. 

At its core, Apollo is a discovery tool comparable to LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator. It helps your sales teams reach more leads faster by giving access to millions of verified contacts in its comprehensive lead database. And thanks to some of the most well-thought-out tags, filters, and segmentation in the industry, you can efficiently find the contacts you need. 

Apollo also links to your various inboxes and CRMs with integrations for LinkedIn, Gmail, Salesforce, and HubSpot to help you keep your data fresh, clean, and centralized. It’s perfect for scaling outreach without the usual headaches.

The benefits of using Apollo’s prospecting software:

  • Advanced filtering for targeted prospecting
  • Email templates and tracking features that save you time
  • Hundreds of integrations 

Tool #5: Hubspot’s Sales Hub for CRM integration 

HubSpot’s Sales Hub makes managing leads and deals easier by integrating with your CRM. It brings all your sales data into one place, helping your team stay organized and productive. Users love how it automates routine tasks, from email tracking to follow-up reminders, so you can focus on building relationships and closing deals.

Despite HubSpot’s popularity, some users find it has a steep learning curve and overly complex pricing, so keep that in mind if you’re thinking about adding Sales Hub to your CRM. 

How HubSpot Sales Hub helps your business:

  • Centralizes lead and deal management in one platform
  • Automates follow-ups, emails, and reminders
  • Easily integrates with 1,500+ tools for a streamlined workflow

Get started with personal sales videos, easier than you think 

Successful sales prospecting is all about building real connections with people, not with “leads”. To hit your quota, you’ll have to get personal with prospects, no matter if you need to contact 100 or 1000 people this week. 

Personalized AI videos are the easiest way to create outreach messages that stand out, build trust, and help close more deals. To turn your assets into videos that have that one-on-one feel, you just need to take these simple steps and create a personal avatar: 

  1. Choose your setup: Ideally, it should be a well-lit space that reflects your personality and makes your face clearly visible.
  2. Record yourself: Grab your webcam or smartphone, film a short video, and upload it to Synthesia.
  3. Submit your avatar: Record another quick video for consent, and your AI avatar will be ready the next day.

Personal Avatars take just a few minutes to record. Get started today →


Frequently asked questions

What is a sales prospecting tool?

A sales prospecting tool helps you find, qualify, and engage potential leads. These tools can aid in identifying the right prospects, personalizing your outreach, managing data, and automating repetitive tasks to boost your chances of conversion.

How do you do sales prospecting?

Sales prospecting involves researching potential leads, reaching out to them with personalized messaging, and following up. Using the right mix of tools for finding prospects, enriching data, crafting personalized messages, and tracking engagement will streamline the process and make your outreach more effective.

How to use AI video and AI avatars in sales prospecting?

AI video and avatars bring a unique touch to your outreach, making your messages stand out. Tools like Synthesia let you clone your voice and image to produce personalized videos tailored for your prospects, creating a more engaging experience that builds trust and increases response rates.

What are the best B2B prospecting tools in 2024?

The top B2B prospecting tools of 2024 include Synthesia for personalized video outreach, SalesHandy for advanced email automation, Datanyze for lead enrichment, Apollo for scalable lead generation and targeting, and HubSpot's Sales Hub for CRM integration and workflow automation.

How to personalize sales outreach with AI avatars?

AI avatars make it easy to add a personal touch to your sales outreach. Record a short video to create your avatar using tools like Synthesia, and then customize videos with your prospect's name, industry, or pain points. This makes your outreach feel unique and tailored, boosting engagement and conversions.