Implementing DEI in your organisation

In this final lesson, learn how to implement Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) effectively. Embed DEI in values, actively promote it, foster a culture of acceptance and report any violations. Encourage team members to educate themselves and foster a culture of acceptance and inclusivity.

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Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in an organization is more than just checking a box and doing a few trainings a year.

An inclusive organization that is equitable and welcomes diversity has DEI embedded in its mission, vision, and values. It puts its principles of DEI in writing, and recognizes the traditionally marginalized groups who are most likely to be disadvantaged.

To make it effective, all parts of the organization play an important role. At the management level, in addition to developing a clearly defined and well-articulated policy, steps can be taken to encourage open communication about the various nuances of DEI. For example, the human resources team can conduct surveys to solicit employee feedback on the effectiveness of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy and training. Feedback can be used to measure the success of efforts and can be used to tighten policies and adjust training.

If you are a manager or team leader, you can actively advocate for DEI on your team. Make an effort to understand the diversity on your team so that you can be a role model for the team to follow. You can foster a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion on your team, where everyone is mindful of their choice of words, rethinks their actions and stands up to any discrimination they witness. You should also make your teams aware of the steps and channels available to report DEI violations within the company.

If you are part of a team, it is important that you educate yourself in this area, be self-reflective, and be open to other cultures and people from diverse groups. If you understand and know about DEI, you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim of discrimination and you can support others who may become victims.

It is good to know that there are non-governmental organizations, unions or other local authorities that can provide remediation and help if you find violations of DEI that are not corrected after they are reported to HR or management.