Develop a growth mindset with feedback

In this lesson, you will learn about the difference between fixed and growth mindsets and how they affect how we approach challenges and feedback in the workplace. Discover the importance of a growth mindset for success and learn how to develop one to improve your performance and relationships.

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Let’s look at two scenarios.

Jane and Alex were promoted to similar positions in the same organization. As with any move to a new role, the new job is challenging for both.

Jane is confident that she can do the job well, because it requires intelligence and experience. She has been in many positions with high-level responsibilities before so this new position should be no different for her.

Alex, on the other hand, believes anyone can improve on their skills over time, which is why he starts this new job with limited knowledge but confidence from experience as an entrepreneur-initiator to make it work.

Jane has a fixed mindset. She believes that people are born with a certain number of abilities and that this number cannot be exceeded. She assumes that attitudes and abilities are inherently unchangeable.

Alex has a growth mindset, which means he believes that skills can be developed. The goal is to always be better today than yesterday.

Take a moment to think about who can most effectively meet the challenges in their role and is more likely to succeed in that role.

If you want to improve your performance or your relationships, developing a growth mindset is essential. It will also help you interpret feedback in the most useful way. When you know that receiving feedback will help you improve and grow, the process becomes more enjoyable.