Work with Rows, Columns, and Cells

In this lesson, you will learn how to add, move, and hide data in a Google Sheets spreadsheet, as well as how to keep certain rows or columns in a fixed position while scrolling. You will also learn how to undo actions.

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What if you need to add data to your spreadsheet? If you draw your table on a piece of paper, you’d have to start over again but here you can simply insert empty rows, columns, or cells and move the data around.

Let’s add a row. First, make sure your cursor is next to the place where you want to insert the additional space. Right click and select what you want to insert. I’ll add a row above. If you make a mistake, you can click Control + Z to undo the last action.

Sometimes you want to hide some information from the spreadsheet instead of deleting it. To hide a row or column, select it first, then right-click and press Hide.  You’ll see two arrows pointing away from each other that indicate hidden cells. If you want to see them, first select both columns around the hidden one, by holding down the Shift key. Once both columns are selected, right-click and press Unhide.

You can also move columns, rows, and cells around. Make a selection and hover around until you see the little hand. Now grab the selection and drag it to the new place.

To avoid losing control on what column or row you’re seeing, you can keep the information fixed in the same position as you scroll through your spreadsheet. To do that, select a cell in the furthest row or column you want to keep fixed. Click on View and Select Freeze - Up to row 12. Now only the bottom part of the spreadsheet below row 12 will scroll and the rest of the data will always stay on screen.

You learned how to handle content in your Google Sheets. Now it’s time to collaborate with your colleagues. In the last lesson, I’ll show you how to share the spreadsheet and what happens when your colleagues make changes. Let’s get started.