How to Make Harassment Training Videos In 5 Easy Steps

Written by
Kevin Alster
Published on
September 16, 2024
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With sexual harassment scandals in the headlines on a seemingly daily basis, companies are scrambling to put together policies and training to help prevent it in their workplaces.

But as any experienced HR professional knows, simply having a policy is not enough - you also need to make sure your employees actually understand what constitutes unacceptable behavior in the workplace.

One way to do that is by creating personalized harassment training videos for your workplace.

Keep reading to learn how to make training videos with limited resources and no editing skills. 👀

  1. Step 1: Condense your written resources into a video script
  2. Step 2: Choose a video template
  3. Step 3: Create an AI voiceover
  4. Step 4: Visualize voiceover
  5. Step 5: Generate video

Problem: Harassment training videos can be... cringe 😬

There's nothing quite like a sexual harassment training video to get the office morale down. 👎

You know the ones - they always start with awkward encounters between two colleagues, followed by a stern voiceover telling you that this is harassment and it's not tolerated in the workplace. 🚫

The message is clear: harassment is not funny, it's not cute, and it's definitely not something to be tolerated. But the delivery is often so cringeworthy that it's hard to take the message seriously.

Perhaps that's why so many training videos go viral - because they're so hilariously bad that they're impossible to forget.

Unfortunately, many companies still resort to showing these videos because they can't find anything better, or don't have the money or time to create their own.

It's a fair point, but there's also a better solution to the problem.

Solution: Customized employee training videos ✅

The solution to cringy training videos is to create customized employee training videos.

By creating tailored videos specifically for your company culture and values, you can ensure that employees are engaged and receptive to the material.

Here are 3 reasons why customized training videos are useful:

Reason #1: You are in charge of the content

When you make your own video, you're in charge of the content.

That means you can tailor the message to your specific company culture and values. You can also ensure that the language used in the video is inclusive and respectful. And if there are any legal requirements in your state or country, you can be sure that your video meets those standards.

Plus, if you have a diverse workforce, you'll want to make sure that your training video includes voices and stories from a range of backgrounds.

Reason #2: AI videos can be easily updated

If you've ever embedded a video on a website, you know that it can be a bit of a hassle to keep the video updated. You have to upload the new video file to your server, update the HTML code, and then hope that everything works properly.

However, if you're generating an AI video with a platform like Synthesia, things are much easier. All you need to do is update the AI video on the platform, and the new video will be updated automatically.

This means that you can easily keep your AI videos up-to-date, without having to worry about manual updates.

Reason #3: Branded training fosters a sense of belonging

Branded training fosters a sense of belonging and investment in the company.

Employees who see that their company has put time and effort into creating a training program that is specific to their needs are more likely to take the material seriously and internalize the message.

In addition, customized videos can be tailored to address the unique culture and values of an organization. By contrast, off-the-shelf videos may use offensive or outdated language or include content that is not relevant to the company's work environment.

Finally, making customized videos shows that the company is committed to taking action against harassment, sending a strong message of support to employees.

How to make anti-harassment training videos using AI

All this talk of the benefits of video might not be news to you, but the one downside of videos is that they take a while to make and are usually costly. 💸

And that might be the case with traditional video production, the one that involves studios, actors, microphones, cameras, and professional video editors.

👉🏻 But in 2022, video production has been democratized by online video makers.

We'll be using an AI training video maker called Synthesia to showcase how video production can be easy and scalable.

Step 1: Condense your written resources into a video script

First, you'll need to take your existing training course outline that covers the relevant laws and policy procedures and turn it into a video script.

Apart from covering all the legal course requirements in your script, think about ways to grab your employees' attention and keep them engaged throughout the video.


Remember, the goal is to educate them about the importance of preventing harassment in the workplace, so make sure your script covers all the key points.

Step 2: Choose a video template

Why spend hours designing your own video when you can get a professional-looking one in just minutes with Synthesia's easy-to-use templates?

There are loads of different ones to choose from, so take your time and pick one that suits the tone and style of your video. If you're not sure, you can always try out a few different ones before making your final decision.


Synthesia has a whole section dedicated to training video templates on the website.

Step 3: Create an AI voiceover

Now it's time to take your video script and paste it into the video slide by slide.

Synthesia will use that text to generate an AI voiceover, in more than 120 languages.

The voiceovers are generated using text-to-speech technology, which means they sound natural and are highly intelligible.

So if you have a multi-national organization or international employees, you can create localized videos for them in minutes.


Step 4: Visualize voiceover

You can, of course, finish the video creation process here, but we recommend spending a few more minutes on making it more personalized.

By adding your organization's logo or other visuals that are specific to your company, you can help your employees feel like they are part of something larger. Additionally, by using the same visuals in different videos, you can help create a cohesive brand identity that will be familiar to your employees.

In addition to creating a more engaging training experience, custom visuals can also help to reduce production costs. By reusing existing assets, you can create a professional-looking video without breaking the bank.

So consider adding:

Tip 💡

Add a presenter to your video without hiring an actor

With Synthesia, you can add a human-like AI presenter to your video that will narrate your text.

How are Synthesia AI Avatars created?

Step 5: Generate video

All that's left to do is generate the video and incorporate it with the rest of your employee training program.

Tip 💡

Synthesia has integrations with 12+ of the most popular LMSs/LXPs, so you can easily embed/upload your training videos and track their performance.

There's no excuse for cringe harassment training videos

The jury may still be out on training videos, but making your own customized training videos is a great way to go.

And if you want to make them with Synthesia, it’s easy!

Try our AI video generator and see for yourself how simple it is to create engaging and informative tutorials that will help keep your team safe and informed.


Frequently asked questions

What should harassment training include?

Harassment training should include several different components to be effective.

First, employees should be made aware of what constitutes harassment and why it is not tolerated in the workplace.

Second, employees should feel comfortable reporting any incidents of harassment that they experience or witness.

Third, there should be a clear and concise process for investigating allegations of harassment.

Finally, managers should be held accountable for creating and maintaining a respectful and safe work environment.

By covering all of these bases, harassment training can help to ensure that all employees are treated with respect.

‍What are the 3 forms of harassment in a workplace?

Workplace harassment can take many different forms, but there are three main types: physical, verbal, and mental.

Physical or sexual harassment includes any type of unwanted physical contact, such as touching, hugging, or cornering someone in a confined space.

Verbal harassment is any type of unwelcome verbal communication, such as name-calling, making threats, or saying offensive comments about someone’s appearance.

Mental harassment is any type of behavior that causes someone to feel threatened, intimidated, or humiliated. This can include things like repeatedly sending someone unwanted emails or text messages, making negative comments about their work performance, or sabotaging their equipment.

Workplace harassment is an issue managers should take seriously, as it can have a devastating impact on employees.

How do you educate employees about harassment?

Educating employees about harassment is an essential component of creating a safe and respectful workplace. Here are some steps that employers can take to educate their employees about harassment:

  1. Develop a harassment prevention policy
  2. Provide training
  3. Encourage reporting
  4. Investigate complaints
  5. Enforce consequences
  6. Monitor and evaluate