Animation Markers

In this lesson, discover how animation markers add timing and visual effects to your text, images, and videos. Learn step-by-step how to assign animation markers, tie them to specific elements, and select desired animations.

This project update template features:

Video script

Emory Do you want to make your video engaging? Then let’s talk about animation markers with our resident artist, Cleo.

Cleo Thanks, Emory.  Animation markers are a great way to time text on screen or have images and video appear when mentioned in the script.  It’s kind of like giving your elements on screen some stage directions…except you won’t need a stop watch…just a marker in your script. Let me show you what I mean.

Here I have a course introduction for a video that I’m working on. The text on screen is the title for each lesson that is covered in the course, and I want them to appear on the screen  when each of them is mentioned.

Right now, the text doesn’t have any animation assigned to it.  When I click on each object on the screen, we can see that there isn’t an enter or exit animation. So let’s give our text some stage directions.

First, I’ll find the part of my script that I want to designate as a cue for animation. I click right before the cue word in the script, and place an animation marker by clicking on the “marker” button. I'll add 3 more to cover all lesson titles.

Now, let's pair the text titles to the markers. I click on the object or element that I want to assign an animation. Then, under “Enter” I’ll tie the element to the correct animation flag.

Finally, I’ll select the animation that I want to happen on cue from the animation panel and adjust any timings that I may need. I’ll do this for each object on screen that I want to animate.

Now, my list looks like this.

There’s a lot you can do with animation markers, but for now start with getting your text to appear on screen when it’s mentioned in the script. Then you can start to get fancy!